<aside> 👋 Welcome! We are Steph, John, Richie and Mel 😊

Over four years the members of the “Care Kitchen” met fortnightly online and engaged in practices of mutual care and support. The “Care Kitchen” is the name of our care pod, formed in 2020 within the Enspiral network. This is our story; we share learnings from countless sessions and several retreats for those who are seeking to explore or already engaging in small group formats of mutual aid and support.

Now in 2024 after four incredible years of dedicated, fortnightly “podding” we’re ready to refresh and reconfigure. As part of finishing well, and to honour the journey together, we’ve decided to document our learnings in a limited four-part podcast.

You can read more about us at the bottom of this page. We hope you enjoy!


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CarePod post-retreat, or the release of our new album cover?!

Featuring: john (top-left), Richie (top-right), Mel (bottom-left) and Steph (bottom-right)

🎧 Listen or Watch: Access the episodes with your favourite podcast tool:




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1️⃣ Episode 1: What is a Care Pod and why are they taking off?

What in the world is this thing called “care podding”? By sharing our origin story, we explore the why in forming a care pod and our journey in this mutual support format over the past four years. We talk about some of the rituals, rhythms and postures that we collectively honed in on and what really served our practice and purpose over a long period of time and made the experience so generative.


Watch Episode 1 on YouTube